Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Why Tuesday?

For a while now I have spent Tuesday afternoons in a coffee house, pub or hotel foyer with my laptop, a book, ipad and coffee. This has been valuable time spent away from both home and office to focus on my own leadership. Sometimes I get caught doing "work stuff" but on the whole it is a time where I focus on me and the leader I need and want to be. It also provides time to catch up if an emergency or something out of the ordinary occurs. This isn't a time for self indulgence (the occasional Hot Chocolate does go a miss) or a time to simple hide away from the world. It is time built in my week where I know I can think about who I am in God and who God wants and needs me to be as a husband, dad and leader.

Along side my Tuesday time, I have always wanted to get back into blogging and so had an idea to link the 2 together (hence the blog title). My hope is that each Tuesday I can blog on something related to the area of leadership and the struggles and success I have with it. The irony being that today I had to sort out a broken window in the Mini Bus and cover the cafe as one of our staff was off and as a result didn't get away from the office but had a few moments to finish off my first blog.
My experience of leadership is that unless I take responsibility for my time, diary, priorities and passions then I will be overrun with trying to please everyone or seeking to do everything. In my blogs I hope to share my journey to ensure that I am still following God's call for my life in 30 - 40 years time. But more importantly, that I can look back and see my leadership has had a positive impact on Lizzy, Katherine, Ben and the rest of my family and friends. Any calling to leadership is always bigger than the church or ministry you lead and for me it is about how you manage and develop the various priorities and passions in your life to enhance your leadership.
If you have any suggestion for discussion or for me to blog on then feel free to get in touch.

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