So how can I communicate all that to my family and other people without having to make a long drawn out statement or explanation. The reality is that I have to do tasks (admin, accounts, risk assessments, supervisions, meetings etc) within my week which would be considered as "work" in other organisations. The question is: How can I concisely express my calling in a way that can reflect what I do with my time but also the reason why I do it?
In doing so, I want to express the sense of calling upon my life to serve God through the Salvation Army. The idea of call is possibly alien to some but is at the heart of anyone who proclaims faith. What I do should always be a reflection of my faith and relationship with God. As a result, my role as an Officer is because I am called to do so not because I think its a good idea or will make me a better Christian/follower. Jesus called people well before they were caperble of fulfiling the tasks at hand. His call was not founded on what the various people could bring to his team but because they were willing to follow regardless of the cost. In the same way I am called not because of what I can (or can't) do but because of who I am and so as a result my role as an SA Officer is not something I chose to do but where my obedience has taken me. I want to share the seriousness I take in ensureing that my calling isn't simply wrapped up in what I do but why I do it. Having been called I need to maintain a clear appreciation for what should motivated me as I serve in this way.
One of the barriers to communicating this clearly is that of the languge used. I mentioned the words "work" and "Job" at the top of the blog, are open to interuptation and not effective in describing the heart of the role I have or caling I a commtted too. But, I am also aware that I need to find somehing that people, espically those without an undersatnding of calling, can quicky connect with. I have to tried to change the empashsis by saying to Katherine "I am going to the Office at church." However, this then also restricts my undersatnding that Church is never about buildings.
Essentially, I feel no nearer to discovering a good word or way to express my role in conversations but I am certainly more concious of the signals and messages its sends to my family and friends as to where I invest my time.
P.S Next blog is on "My desrie to maintain and develop a healthy experinece of my caliing for my family"
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